How To Go Shopping


We are 19 days into Fall and just like a new year, most have been saying “It’s time for a new you.” People are quite loose with that statement. The things that people say they’re going to do, never get completed. One thing that most people struggle with and find hard is how to shop for yourself. Both women and men find it tough to find clothing for their specific body type and others have a hard time deciphering what looks good on them. Whether it be fit, style or color. Everyone is different and clothes fit everyone differently. Here are a few tips that will help you find items that suit your body type, flatter what needs to be flattered, and make you a better and more confident you. The clothing you wear can place you under a negative light or a positive one before you introduce yourself to people.

Most of the time, people are concerned with the style of clothes they wear and whether or not they are in style. Thus ignoring the most important factor; fit. The fit of anything that you wear needs to be taken into more consideration than style and colors. You could be wearing the most glamorous piece of clothing and have it fit wrong, making you look ridiculous. To add to this, you may also look cheap and you just don’t want that.

Now a days, people try to squeeze themselves into smaller sizes. You buy cardigans that don’t button up and pants that are too small just to say that you’re a certain size clothing. Style is often what people look for when buying clothing. Just because something is trendy, doesn’t mean that it will flatter you. Figure out who you are and what you like to wear. Do you want to be conservative or do you prefer to be formal instead of casual? You age should be brought into consideration also. All your clothes should be age appropriate. Fashion should always be associated with form and function but it should also go with the environment.

When shopping, you need to remember that you’re looking for items that will help speak for you. Your clothes will tell the world who you are. You should always dress in ways that show people who you are, that you have a sense of style and that you respect yourself. 

Photography credits unknown

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